Sunday, December 30, 2007

Vacation is nearing its end

Why does vacation always fly by? Even though it is fast slipping away, this has been a wonderful holiday. We celebrated the second annual Taco Eve at my house and had a wonderful Christmas dinner at Carol's house on Sunday. Carol and I managed to get Chloe's loft bed "built" and I've come really close to having my office/studio completely organized. Thanks Carol for the new shelves in the closet! That is a big help. I'm ready to tackle my egg for Youth Home and have made progress on my "Project Book" Juline and I started. I finally mailed her the package I've been putting together including the recipe for salt dough and some ornaments I made for her.

I read Denise's blog today and am so happy she got the best gift ever. She does indeed have two beautiful daughters. I hope all my Ya Ya sisters had a gift equally special this year!

salt dough Christmas ornaments

salt dough Christmas ornaments

salt dough Christmas ornaments

Friday, December 21, 2007

Might as well join the fun

I've been enjoying Denise and Annie's blogs so much that I've taken their advice and started my own. I procrastinate so much I often wonder how I get anything done; we'll see how my blog progresses over the coming year. The Art Ya Yas are such an inspiring bunch that I feel like I can do anything! Maybe my blog will inspire me to create more, dig for information about my interests, and help someone else be inspired. That's my hope. Now I'll add some work to the mix and see what happens.